Sunday, July 16, 2006

New Group to Address Crime in Maine
Portland gubernatorial candidate Shawn Loura has announced the formation of an organization to actively resolve the crime problem in Maine. The name of the organization is Constitutional Law Enforcement Advocacy Network (CLEAN).

The purposes of the organization are listed as follows:
-To help law enforcement patrol the streets, after proper training, which will be provided by the group.
-To help to restore and preserve our constitutional liberty.
-To advocate for the needs of the community as a whole - with non-governmental means or funds.

Loura said that the group is not a vigilante group, nor does it seek to override or disrespect any law enforcement agencies. He said that the group wants cooperation with local, state, and national government to provide a safe environment. Cooperation and communication is essential to their efforts, according to Loura.

CLEAN embraces the ideology of the Guardian Angels, The John Birch Society, and others.
The group is made up of volunteers and will seek a 501(c)3 status as a non-profit organization. They hope to help clean up the streets and graffiti, and welcome all who feel comfortable with them. They are currently seeking volunteers, lawyers, government officials, concerned citizens, constitutionalists, people trained in martial arts and first aid, former military, and law enforcement officers.

.For more information contact: Shawn Loura at or


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