The West End NEWS
Volume 7, Number 12 Portland, ME Aug.10-22, 2007
Please note our new e-mail address!
PO Box 5234,
Portland, ME 04101-0934
(207) 828-1403
Two Local Businesses Victimized Again
Two in-town businesses that were burglarized on July 23rd were once again victims of criminal activity less than two weeks later.
On Friday, August 3, Bleachers, the sports pub on Preble Street in Bayside, had a window broken sometime between closing time and 8 AM, when the weekend janitor came in to clean. The window was on the side of the building facing its parking lot, and three bottles of liquor were taken.
On Saturday, August 4, Percy Cycles in Bramhall Square had its front window broken at some time around 9PM.
Both places of business had been the objects of criminal intent on July 23. Bleachers was burglarized during the early morning hours, and an arrest was made at Percy Cycles later that morning for an attempted burglary. Craig Miller was charged with both of those crimes. He remains in custody at the Cumberland County Jail.
City High Schools Get Music Scholarship
The current orchestra director for Portland and Deering High Schools, Julianne Eberl, has made donations totaling $1,000 to establish a music scholarship in honor of her teacher, Alexander Kouguell, Professor Emeritus of Queens College, City University of New York.
The scholarships will be awarded to a PHS or DHS student who intends to pursue music in post-secondary education. Professor Kouguell was one of the founders and later Director of the Bachelor of Music program at Queens College, which became the current conservatory, the Aaron Copeland School of Music. He has been a performer and teacher for 60 years.
Go to: Portland Dances! At the John Ford Theater, on Cumberland Ave, Friday and Saturday August 17 and 18 at 8pm. Portland Dances!, presented by Portland Ballet, includes new works ranging from classical ballet to humorous modern dance. This annual show provides an opportunity to showcase newly emerging talent as well as the works of established choreographers. Tickets $10-$15
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
You gotta make a decision, mates, and stick with it! The back-and-forth is what’s causing you grief. Pick something and then stand by your choice wholeheartedly.
Go to: The St. Lawrence Arts & Community Center presents Sorcha & Zeile on August 10th at 8:00 pm. Munjoy Hill resident and singer songwriter Zeile August was inspired by early 70's folk rock, traveling through America. Now working only with her voice and an acoustic guitar, she is presenting a personal hybrid of folk, jazz, blues, and the American ballad. She's joined by Sorcha, whose voice packs a luscious punch from wails to whispers, her folk roots infused with blues, jazz and funk. Tickets are $12.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
Cancerian Ingmar Bergman died on July 30th. He was a Swedish film, stage, and opera director, finding despair as well as comedy and hope in exploring the human condition. Often starring Liv Ullmann and Max von Sydow, most of Bergman’s films were set in his native Sweden. The themes were often bleak, dealing with illness and insanity.
Go to: The Brown Bag Lecture series at the Portland Public Library on August 15 at noon. The author will be Masha Hamilton of The Camel Bookmobile. It sounds like an awesome book; it’s about a woman who goes to Kenya to operate a mobile library powered by a camel! Hamilton also wrote The Distance Between Us, and Staircase of a Thousand Steps.
LEO (July 23 - August 22)
Happy 80th birthday on August 18th to First Lady Rosalynn Carter. Thank you for your work on mental illness advocacy. Leos, your literary assignment is to read Christine Montross’ Body of Work: Meditations on Mortality from the Human Anatomy Lab. “A hauntingly moving memoir of the relationship between a cadaver named Eve and the first-year medical student who cut her open.” I am hoping that this theme will inspire those Cowardly Lions amongst us to face their fear and conquer it.
Go to: George Hamm's Showcase 8:30 p.m. on August 19, at the Comedy Connection, 6 Custom House Wharf Portland Tix $6
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)
Mid-August may find you in a dreamy, drug-like state of mind. Don’t worry about it. You may not get everything in your In Box moved to your Out Box, but you will tap into some deep emotions, memories, and long-buried desires.
Go to: With your love of history, you’ll be psyched about A Six- Hour Living History Cruise on August 18, from 10-4 aboard The Project Liberty Ship. The S.S. JOHN W. BROWN, America's oldest surviving World War II Liberty ship, will visit the Maine State Pier 8/16 through 8/22.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)
Be flexible enough to welcome change. Resistance is futile! Seriously, though, the change in store could turn out to be a positive one. Libran film director Michelangelo Antonioni died on July 30, 2007. His films are widely considered as some of the most influential in film aesthetics. From L'avventura (The Adventure, 1960) ,Blowup (1966) to The Passenger (1975), Antonioni's spare style and purposeless characters have not been admired by all critics. Ingmar Bergman once said that he “admired some of Antonioni's films for their detached and sometimes dreamlike quality.” However, while he considered Blowup and La notte masterpieces, he called Antonioni’s other films boring. Everyone’s a critic!
Go to: Space Gallery on August 22 at 7:30 for the movie The Host. “a stunning, sleek and visually arresting monster film from Korean director, Bong Joon-ho. When their youngest is snatched from the riverbank where they operate a foodstand, it’s up to a dysfunctional family (think a Korean Royal Tennenbaums) to try and organize and bring her back home. Equal parts comedy, poignant human drama and terrifying monster movie, The Host is a smart, thrilling way to cap off the summer and a great chance to check out SPACE’s brand new projection system.”
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)
I heard that 40 percent of all job résumés contain exaggerations if not outright lies. A study conducted by University of Massachusetts psychologist Robert S. Feldman and published in the Journal of Basic and Applied Social Psychology says that 60 percent of people lied at least once during a 10-minute conversation and told an average of two to three lies. Sigh. Deception is a normal part of life. In the coming weeks, Scorpio, you need to be the exception. Play by the rules. Be meticulously scrupulous. Hear me now and believe me later, it will pay off!
Go to: The Post Card Show August 12, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Holiday Inn West, 81 Riverside St. Tickets $3. I don’t know much about it, but it appears to be a show of post cards. You thrive on a good mystery, so go check it out.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)
Jupiter in your sign carries some protection for you, like a guardian angel, ensuring that what’s happening now has your future growth enmeshed in it, even the harsh things. Travel is also a powerful force with this Jupiter influence. Mid-August gives you the intuition needed to look beyond the surface of things. You won’t feel like making small talk right now.
Go to: Geno’s for The Stoner Music Fest! August 23, 24, 25, featuring: Doomstone, Citadel, The Humanoids, Village of Dead Roads, Confier, Eldemur Krimm, A thousand Knives of Fire, RoadSaw, Solace, Cough, Bloody Panda, Ocean, and more!
PISCES (February 19 - March 20)
You may receive some long-due recognition. If it doesn’t come in the form you were expecting, accept it as one of those karmic gestures. A “what goes around comes around” type of thing.
Volume 7, Number 12 Portland, ME Aug.10-22, 2007
Please note our new e-mail address!
PO Box 5234,
Portland, ME 04101-0934
(207) 828-1403
Two Local Businesses Victimized Again
Two in-town businesses that were burglarized on July 23rd were once again victims of criminal activity less than two weeks later.
On Friday, August 3, Bleachers, the sports pub on Preble Street in Bayside, had a window broken sometime between closing time and 8 AM, when the weekend janitor came in to clean. The window was on the side of the building facing its parking lot, and three bottles of liquor were taken.
On Saturday, August 4, Percy Cycles in Bramhall Square had its front window broken at some time around 9PM.
Both places of business had been the objects of criminal intent on July 23. Bleachers was burglarized during the early morning hours, and an arrest was made at Percy Cycles later that morning for an attempted burglary. Craig Miller was charged with both of those crimes. He remains in custody at the Cumberland County Jail.
City High Schools Get Music Scholarship
The current orchestra director for Portland and Deering High Schools, Julianne Eberl, has made donations totaling $1,000 to establish a music scholarship in honor of her teacher, Alexander Kouguell, Professor Emeritus of Queens College, City University of New York.
The scholarships will be awarded to a PHS or DHS student who intends to pursue music in post-secondary education. Professor Kouguell was one of the founders and later Director of the Bachelor of Music program at Queens College, which became the current conservatory, the Aaron Copeland School of Music. He has been a performer and teacher for 60 years.
August 9 - 22
*** Patronization***
ARIES (March 21 - April 19)
The Leo New Moon on August 12th is showy, and may make you feel that your big chance is on the horizon. You may need to draw upon your reserve of patience in order to make it happen. On August 10th, help our Catholic friends celebrate St. Lawrence Day with a feast! The story behind St. Lawrence is, as a deacon in Rome, Lawrence was told to bring his wealth to Caesar. Instead, he gave it all away to the poor folks in town. When the prefect of Rome heard of this, he said “you must render to Caesar what is his. Bring these treasures—the emperor needs them to maintain his forces.”
*** Patronization***
ARIES (March 21 - April 19)
The Leo New Moon on August 12th is showy, and may make you feel that your big chance is on the horizon. You may need to draw upon your reserve of patience in order to make it happen. On August 10th, help our Catholic friends celebrate St. Lawrence Day with a feast! The story behind St. Lawrence is, as a deacon in Rome, Lawrence was told to bring his wealth to Caesar. Instead, he gave it all away to the poor folks in town. When the prefect of Rome heard of this, he said “you must render to Caesar what is his. Bring these treasures—the emperor needs them to maintain his forces.”
Lawrence replied that the Church was indeed rich. “…but give me time to set everything in order and make an inventory.” He then gathered the blind, lame, maimed, leprous, orphaned and widowed people and sat them in the pews. When the prefect arrived, Lawrence simply said, “These are the treasure of the Church.” The prefect was so pissed-off he had a gridiron prepared, with coals beneath it, and had Lawrence’s body placed on it. After the martyr had suffered for a long time, the legend concludes, he made his last bombastic remark, “It is well done. Turn it over and eat it!”
Go to: Longfellow Trail 11 a.m. on August 17. Begin at The Maine Historical Society, 489 Congress St., for walking tours. Tickets are $2- $4.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)
A little bit of friction in your domestic sphere has the potential to turn into a skirmish of operatic proportions. The Leo New Moon on the 12th may inspire drama in you, just make sure it’s positive excitement, not the thrill seeking kind that ends with black eyes and 911 calls.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)
A little bit of friction in your domestic sphere has the potential to turn into a skirmish of operatic proportions. The Leo New Moon on the 12th may inspire drama in you, just make sure it’s positive excitement, not the thrill seeking kind that ends with black eyes and 911 calls.
Go to: Portland Dances! At the John Ford Theater, on Cumberland Ave, Friday and Saturday August 17 and 18 at 8pm. Portland Dances!, presented by Portland Ballet, includes new works ranging from classical ballet to humorous modern dance. This annual show provides an opportunity to showcase newly emerging talent as well as the works of established choreographers. Tickets $10-$15
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
You gotta make a decision, mates, and stick with it! The back-and-forth is what’s causing you grief. Pick something and then stand by your choice wholeheartedly.
Go to: The St. Lawrence Arts & Community Center presents Sorcha & Zeile on August 10th at 8:00 pm. Munjoy Hill resident and singer songwriter Zeile August was inspired by early 70's folk rock, traveling through America. Now working only with her voice and an acoustic guitar, she is presenting a personal hybrid of folk, jazz, blues, and the American ballad. She's joined by Sorcha, whose voice packs a luscious punch from wails to whispers, her folk roots infused with blues, jazz and funk. Tickets are $12.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
Cancerian Ingmar Bergman died on July 30th. He was a Swedish film, stage, and opera director, finding despair as well as comedy and hope in exploring the human condition. Often starring Liv Ullmann and Max von Sydow, most of Bergman’s films were set in his native Sweden. The themes were often bleak, dealing with illness and insanity.
In your own life, you may feel as though people are talking about you. It’s really your ego talking to you, and take what it says with a grain of salt. Be aware of the line we all must walk between self-confidence and vanity.
Go to: The Brown Bag Lecture series at the Portland Public Library on August 15 at noon. The author will be Masha Hamilton of The Camel Bookmobile. It sounds like an awesome book; it’s about a woman who goes to Kenya to operate a mobile library powered by a camel! Hamilton also wrote The Distance Between Us, and Staircase of a Thousand Steps.
LEO (July 23 - August 22)
Happy 80th birthday on August 18th to First Lady Rosalynn Carter. Thank you for your work on mental illness advocacy. Leos, your literary assignment is to read Christine Montross’ Body of Work: Meditations on Mortality from the Human Anatomy Lab. “A hauntingly moving memoir of the relationship between a cadaver named Eve and the first-year medical student who cut her open.” I am hoping that this theme will inspire those Cowardly Lions amongst us to face their fear and conquer it.
Go to: George Hamm's Showcase 8:30 p.m. on August 19, at the Comedy Connection, 6 Custom House Wharf Portland Tix $6
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)
Mid-August may find you in a dreamy, drug-like state of mind. Don’t worry about it. You may not get everything in your In Box moved to your Out Box, but you will tap into some deep emotions, memories, and long-buried desires.
Go to: With your love of history, you’ll be psyched about A Six- Hour Living History Cruise on August 18, from 10-4 aboard The Project Liberty Ship. The S.S. JOHN W. BROWN, America's oldest surviving World War II Liberty ship, will visit the Maine State Pier 8/16 through 8/22.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)
Be flexible enough to welcome change. Resistance is futile! Seriously, though, the change in store could turn out to be a positive one. Libran film director Michelangelo Antonioni died on July 30, 2007. His films are widely considered as some of the most influential in film aesthetics. From L'avventura (The Adventure, 1960) ,Blowup (1966) to The Passenger (1975), Antonioni's spare style and purposeless characters have not been admired by all critics. Ingmar Bergman once said that he “admired some of Antonioni's films for their detached and sometimes dreamlike quality.” However, while he considered Blowup and La notte masterpieces, he called Antonioni’s other films boring. Everyone’s a critic!
Go to: Space Gallery on August 22 at 7:30 for the movie The Host. “a stunning, sleek and visually arresting monster film from Korean director, Bong Joon-ho. When their youngest is snatched from the riverbank where they operate a foodstand, it’s up to a dysfunctional family (think a Korean Royal Tennenbaums) to try and organize and bring her back home. Equal parts comedy, poignant human drama and terrifying monster movie, The Host is a smart, thrilling way to cap off the summer and a great chance to check out SPACE’s brand new projection system.”
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)
I heard that 40 percent of all job résumés contain exaggerations if not outright lies. A study conducted by University of Massachusetts psychologist Robert S. Feldman and published in the Journal of Basic and Applied Social Psychology says that 60 percent of people lied at least once during a 10-minute conversation and told an average of two to three lies. Sigh. Deception is a normal part of life. In the coming weeks, Scorpio, you need to be the exception. Play by the rules. Be meticulously scrupulous. Hear me now and believe me later, it will pay off!
Go to: The Post Card Show August 12, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Holiday Inn West, 81 Riverside St. Tickets $3. I don’t know much about it, but it appears to be a show of post cards. You thrive on a good mystery, so go check it out.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)
Jupiter in your sign carries some protection for you, like a guardian angel, ensuring that what’s happening now has your future growth enmeshed in it, even the harsh things. Travel is also a powerful force with this Jupiter influence. Mid-August gives you the intuition needed to look beyond the surface of things. You won’t feel like making small talk right now.
Go to: Home and Away Gallery, 4 Elm St. Kennebunkport on August 10 for an opening of sculpture by Palaya Qiatsuq. The reception is 4 to 10 pm, and the show goes through Aug.12.
CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)
Don’t let sympathy overcome your common sense. Value your own self-worth as much as you do others, so that if a situation arises where it’s your loss or someone else’s loss, you’ll be able to be objective about who can afford the loss more. No feeling guilty if you’re forced to say no to someone who asks you for something!
CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)
Don’t let sympathy overcome your common sense. Value your own self-worth as much as you do others, so that if a situation arises where it’s your loss or someone else’s loss, you’ll be able to be objective about who can afford the loss more. No feeling guilty if you’re forced to say no to someone who asks you for something!
Go to: One Longfellow Square on Friday, August 17 8 pm for The April Verch Band Canadian Fiddler Extraordinaire!! Tix $12 Advance at Bullmoose $15 at Door
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)
Ahhh, peaceful summer laziness. Pleasant dreams to crickets buzzing. August 9th - 11th has the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Cancer, which will put everyone in the mood to give in to their natural instincts. People may call in sick to work just to go to the beach. Complaining about basic stuff may be at an all time high (“I’m hot. My feet itch. I want ice cream!”) Just take a deep breath, and look forward to your own time off when you can indulge yourself in some comfort activities.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)
Ahhh, peaceful summer laziness. Pleasant dreams to crickets buzzing. August 9th - 11th has the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Cancer, which will put everyone in the mood to give in to their natural instincts. People may call in sick to work just to go to the beach. Complaining about basic stuff may be at an all time high (“I’m hot. My feet itch. I want ice cream!”) Just take a deep breath, and look forward to your own time off when you can indulge yourself in some comfort activities.
Go to: Geno’s for The Stoner Music Fest! August 23, 24, 25, featuring: Doomstone, Citadel, The Humanoids, Village of Dead Roads, Confier, Eldemur Krimm, A thousand Knives of Fire, RoadSaw, Solace, Cough, Bloody Panda, Ocean, and more!
PISCES (February 19 - March 20)
You may receive some long-due recognition. If it doesn’t come in the form you were expecting, accept it as one of those karmic gestures. A “what goes around comes around” type of thing.
Go to: Native American Pow-Wow - Honor the Animals 8/11 through 8/12, from 9:30am-4:30pm Maine Wildlife Park in Gray. Representatives of several tribes will be at the park for two full days with dancers, drummers, craft vendors, singers and traditional food booths.
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