School Committee Approves New Name for High SchoolThe Portland School Committee has voted unanimously to rename the city’s Expeditionary Learning high school as Casco Bay High School. Students initiated the name change last October.
A naming committee that included students, parents, staff and administrators solicited ideas from the community. Most of the more than 100 proposals fell into three categories: famous or extraordinary people, concepts related to Expeditionary Learning or local geography.
The committee decided that the name should be memorable, recognizable, unique, easy to say and official-sounding. The group also wanted a name that embodies what the school stands for and that cannot be easily ridiculed. Based on those criteria, the committee winnowed the list to a small number of finalists and sought additional input from parents, students and community members. After reviewing the responses, the naming committee chose Casco Bay High School by consensus.
The high school opened in September on the second floor of Portland Arts and Technology High School. More than 80 freshmen currently attend the school. A new grade will be added for each of the next three years.
Tax Check Off Would Fund Low-Income Spay/ Neuter Program A tax check off on Maine State income tax forms would help fund a program which would help lower Maine’s shelter intakes and euthanasia of unwanted animals.
The program, ‘Help Fix ME’, allows qualified pet owners to have their cats or dogs fixed for a co-pay of $10 for cats, or $20 for dogs. The Maine Veterinary Association supports the program and over 70% of Maine's Veterinary Hospitals accept the program vouchers, including Brackett Street Veterinary Clinic in the West End.
The ‘Help Fix ME’ program is the only proactive solution in Maine’s Animal Welfare Program that not only addresses the pet overpopulation problem, but also will help prevent future cases of animal cruelty and neglect, according to state officials.
In its first year, the spay/neuter tax check off, awkwardly called “The Companion Animal Sterilization Fund,” generated only $13,000, much less than supporters had hoped. Supporters believe it could generate more if more people knew about it, and many people have said they would have contributed if they knew the check off existed.
In its first year, Help Fix ME spayed and neutered 1,100 cats and dogs. However, the demand for the Help Fix ME program far exceeded the funding. This year, the program is still overwhelmed with requests that far exceed funding because Mainers are more aware than people in some parts of the country of the importance of getting their dogs and cats spayed and neutered. The programs success will have much larger implications for animals nationwide, according to supporters.
The "Companion Animal Sterilization Fund" tax check off is found on Line 7 of the Maine State Schedule CP Income Tax Form (VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS and PURCHASE OF PARK PASSES). The form can be downloaded at (select "Forms, Publications & Applications" and then select "Individual Income Tax (1040 ME)" and scroll down to Schedule CP) or call the forms line at (207)624-7894.
For more information, contact Susan Hall at 781-9940, or Sharon Secovich at 499-7196,
ssecovich@adelphia.netWHAT’S HAPPENING TODAY Friday, March 24 SpeakOut to Host Reception for Pulitzer Play
Maine SpeakOut Project will host a reception on
Friday, March 24, from 5:30pm - 7:00pm, prior to the 7:30 pm performance of
“I Am My Own Wife” at the Portland Stage Company on 25A Forest Avenue. Transgender speakers will tell their stories before the performance, and participants will be able to sample some of the dishes from Maine SpeakOut Project’s recently released cookbook,
Out of Our Pantries. Ticket price for the reception is $25.00, which includes a copy of the Out of Our Pantries cookbook and one complimentary beverage. All reception proceeds will support Maine SpeakOut Project. Tickets are available by calling
Nicole Pelletier at 207.874.1030 ext. 336.Friday, March 24th
Please come to a night of Short Plays at ST. LAWRENCE ARTS AND COMMUNITY CENTER 76 Congress Street. If you want to come for free, we are looking for an extra set of hands every night to run box office or help seat people or whatever.
FRIDAY, MARCH 24 at 8 p.m.
"Oakfall," by Richard Sewell "Romance," by Jon Potter "Trains of Painesville," by Linda Griffith "Visiting Hour," by Dana Pearson
Friday, March 24th:
Friday African Cinema and Discussion Forum
is back at the Museum of African Culture! 122 Spring Spring Street, 207-871-7188. 6:30 PM You are invited to our Fridays Cinema and discussion Forum with new movies from West Africa. “Dwelling in Darkness” A documentary movie about the mysterious power of the female water goddess “mammy-water” and the secret society associated with the cult.
A very handsome young man encounters a water spirit (Mammy-water-Mermaid) but the princess water spirit falls in love to spare his life from her wicked mother, the Queen of the Sea, but the conflict is that the young man needs the princess’s money, but falls in love and marries another girl - the love of his heart. Come and see “trouble” love can be - a very dangerous game if you are not mindful.